The new nulocker gui and api are still under development, if you'd like to use the locker the function is already implemented and can be called. The gas for the transaction will be about 0.0000162eth-0.0005162 eth.

A guide is being made with exact details on how to use it this way. Browser compatible. Please do not use it until the step by step guide is released or the gui unless you understand how to interact with abi.

There is a 2nd locker in development that is operated outside of the contract, this is intended to give those who prefer the traditional locker dapp an option and is named The Ulocker. One of the features of the Ulocker will be a reduced cost in gas.

Why a token locker? Are there not plenty like Unicrypt and Flokfi?

Safety. NUNU is owned by absolutely no one at all, the Nulocker is operated on a Depositer = Withdrawer system. When someone uses the Nulocker, they are essentially using a personal bank/lockbox that no one else can access. When you deposit into the nulocker, it will record the wallet address of the depositer, CA of what they are depositing and the amount Only the depositer can withdraw it by calling a signed tokenunlock. The code includes a function that enables locking to the block timestamp, this introduces utility when Nulocker becomes the worlds first free to use token locker.

Nunu is Cat LP is locked on DXLock, Gempad, and Floki for 10 years. Why on 3 platforms if Nunu will provide lockers? Because decentralization. They also took the payment in $NUNU and have an anti-dump policy. Honorable top tier supporters of the onchain future. This also mitigates a possible hack taking down the entirety of the $NUNU pool.

It doesn't end there, a small sub 1% of the lower range of the LP is the one locked on Floki, is locked to Christmas Eve every year. Allowing the fees generated by the liquidity pool to go back into NUNU once a year, increasing the value yearly. Eventually, the lp tokens will be burned when $NUNU surpasses the range, converting it to a burn system.

Gempad lock :

DXLock :

Floki Lock :